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Special Education

SPED logo
The Cottonwood School is committed to providing free and appropriate quality special education (SPED) services to students who qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004). Special Education is a program designed to support the unique educational needs of children with disabilities who meet the eligibility criteria under the law.

Our school takes great pride in our commitment to students’ growth and success. As we work together with our families, we strive to provide the most appropriate support and services to our students identified as eligible for Special Education. We are committed to developing meaningful partnerships with our parents as we work together to meet the unique needs and realize the full potential of each child.

About IEPs

what is an iep intro slideWhat is an IEP?

cover image - HST's role in IEP deckHST’s Role in IEP

types of iepsTypes of IEPs

IEP team rolesIEP Team Roles

Pre-IEP cover image​Pre-IEP Support

virtual IEP meetings imageVirtual IEP Meetings

IEP at a glance​IEP at a Glance

IEP meeting attendance image​IEP Meeting Attendance

intro image - HST/case manager collaboration​Collaboration

About SPED

SPED acronymsSPED Acronyms

offer of fape cover imageOffer of FAPE

SPED progress reports slideProgress Reports

accommodations and modifications iconAccommodations

SPED transition imageTransition Program

low incidence disabilities cover imageLow Incidence Disabilities

assistive technology iconAssistive Technology

cover image - Extended school year deckExtended School Year

graduation options intro imageGraduation Options

Student Support

effective learning environment iconLearning Environment

executive functioningExecutive Functioning

growth mindset iconGrowth Mindset

behavior management iconBehavior Management

Disability Info

dyslexia iconDyslexia

autism iconAutism


intellectual disabilities iconIntellectual Disabilities

emotional challenges iconEmotional Challenges