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Cottonwood Music

Have questions? Need help? Reach out any time!

Jamin Coller

Music Teacher

Jamin loves to facilitate the “ah-ha” moments with students of all ages and has a unique talent for inspiring curiosity. A homeschool parent of six kids and former homeschooler himself, Jamin has decades of classroom and private music teaching experience, and has served as an influential board member of non-profits like Classical Masters and The Young Musician’s Association. The world’s first piano education live-streamer, Jamin expertly uses technology to combine the whimsy of music with its inexhaustible explorability to make music fun and engaging for parents and students alike!

Classes & Events

Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher

Arts Expo – Show & Gallery

At the moment there are still just a couple of last spots open for live performers in the Cottonwood Art Expo & Gallery. If you want one of them, reserve your spot with our signup form immediately.

The good news is there’s still plenty of room for visual art displays, and you can submit those any time with the same link.

Even if you can’t attend in person on May 2nd, your work can still be featured. This event is going to be epic – we can’t wait to see your hard work featured there!

Help (Parents or Students)

Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher

Need help? You’ve got options!

Parents’ Frequently Asked Questions

Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher

Click the picture to watch the video, or just take the short answer. But don’t forget – these are just opinions to consider. Do what feels right for you.

We will be quickly adding to this library. Don’t see your question? Request an answer from 

spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

Which instrument is right?

The one they’ll practice.

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background

How do I pick a teacher?


Students’ Frequently Asked Questions

Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher

Click the picture to watch the video, or just take the short answer. But don’t forget – these are just opinions to consider. Do what feels right for you.

We will be quickly adding to this library. Don’t see your question? Request an answer from 

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red

What's the best instrument?


paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it

Do I need a teacher?



Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher
spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

Submit A Video

To show off or for feedback

paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it

Sight Reading Factory

From zero to hero

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background

Online Piano

Explore the keyboard

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red

Chrome Music Lab

Fun music widgets

bucket of tools, includinghammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrench


Weird, fun looper

Canvas logo

"Ultimate Guitar"

Chords for any instrument
(Parent preview recommended)

bucket of tools, includinghammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrench

Tone Generator

Pure frequencies

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red


Your friendliest enemy

Canvas logo

Muse Score

Make sheet music

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red

Interval Ear Training

Learn to identify notes


Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher
spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

Practice Log

Track your progress

paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it

Cheat Sheet

Just a little boost

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background

Piano Note Guide

Print & place on your keys

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red

Note Flash Cards

Names of the notes

bucket of tools, includinghammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrench

Circle of Fifths

Music’s Periodic Table

Canvas logo

Rhythm Flash Cards

Whole, half, quarter, eighth

computerized test with pencil and A+ circled in red

Blank Staff Paper

Write your own music

bucket of tools, includinghammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrench

Scales & Keys Flashcards

Key signatures

Canvas logo

Intervals Flashcards

Improve sight reading

bucket of tools, includinghammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrench

Klopol Finger Puppets

Just for fun


Five students in historic time period costumes standing with a female teacher
spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words


Our videos

spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words


Short biographies

spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

What is Music?

You might be surprised

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background


Rhythm & tempo

paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it


Highs & lows of music

spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words


Personality of a sound

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background


Note relationships

paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it



spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

Bio Break Songs

Encouragement & fun

hands holding computer tablet with graphs on it with laptop computer in background

Bill Nye

Science of sound

paper with columns and rows showing times and days with pen laying on top of it


Ken Burns documentary

spiral notebook with the word registration in big bold letters and a mechanical pencil lying under the words

A Few Favorites

Just for fun