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High School

High School

The Cottonwood School offers two options for high school students: a Homestudy Pathway and a High School Site-Based Pathway. Our high school department helps HSTs and their students keep on track for graduation and prepare for a future after they leave school.

group of high school students standing together and smiling

CVHS Virtual High School Program

Cottonwood Virtual High School (CVHS) offers live, virtual instruction or self-paced classes in A-G courses for high school students. CVHS teachers provide high-level instruction, support, and accountability through virtual classes, extended learning time (ELT), and teacher office hours, and community building is encouraged through live virtual classes, field trips, and events. The goal of CVHS is for high school students to develop their own sense of agency, build a growth mindset, and take ownership of learning, preparing them for success beyond high school.

CTE (Career Technical Education)

Our CTE program program for high schoolers integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge. While CTE is career-focused education preparing students for the world of work, completion of a pathway helps prepare students for college and is a valuable addition to one’s application. Upon successful completion of a CTE Pathway, students will receive a certificate. 

CTE logo

Cottonwood College Prep Academy logo

Cottonwood College Prep Academy

The Cottonwood College Prep Academy (CCPA) is a Montessori-inspired high school offering a hybrid educational program that provides students the experience of learning in a classroom setting while also offering the personalization provided by online learning. Students will take the Concentration’s Course of Study in a classroom setting on the high school campus while taking the other courses using an online platform, all with the support of the school’s teachers and staff.

High School Meeting Checklist for HSTs

Yearly or ongoing:

▢ Meet as a team with your Counselor/HST/Student yearly
▢ CCI Discussion/Goals/Concurrent Enrollment Discussion (HST CCI Tool)
▢ Pull up IGP and review with family (New IGP coming soon)
▢ Have a grading system sent out to families at the beginning of the school year
▢ Share Family Resource and The Cottonwood High School Course Catalog

Agenda Items for Each LP Meeting:

▢ Pull up IGP and review with family
▢ Review Pathways classes for correctness (Does IGP match Pathways)
▢ Go over important dates for the semester (Add/Drop dates, LP dates, Progress Reports)
▢ Review progress and grades with the student. Have the student share their progress and grades for their CVHS, college, vendor, or home study courses.
▢ Help students set goals for the month.
▢ Review work and discuss grades with parents.
▢ If using Course Outline, review progress and standards being met
Directions: AWRs for High School Course Outlines
HS Course Outline AWR Instructions Video

Beginning of the Year:

▢ Pull up IGP and review with family
▢ Discuss Curriculum
▢ Order curriculum
▢ Go over student budget for the year

End of Fall Semester:

▢ Pull up IGP and review with family
▢ Discuss current classes
▢ Update curriculum and/or order curriculum if needed

End of the Year:

▢ Pull up IGP and review with family
▢ Discuss Curriculum

High School Activities:
▢ Remind students to read the monthly newsletter

Questions about this content? Carey Brown is the Hawks’ Nest Point Person for this section.