Compliance Quick Links
Completing and Submitting Attendance
Q: What if I have parents who have not signed their attendance logs by the due date of the LP? Do I still claim attendance in Pathways?
Yes, please claim your attendance by the due date (refer to your Compliance Due Dates calendar), whether or not your parents have submitted their attendance logs. Your Compliance Specialist can help you adjust any attendance claims with an authorization code.
Q: I am confused when my Compliance Specialist refers to claiming attendance. Does this mean parent attendance logs or what the teacher claims at the end of each LP?
When your Compliance Specialist uses the term “claiming attendance”, this refers to the HST accessing their PLS/Student Roster in Pathways and marking present or absent all students at the end of each learning period. (Please refer to your Compliance Due Dates calendar.) The term “attendance logs” refers to the individual signed log (electronically or paper) that each parent signs at the end of the learning period.
Q: I have a TK student who submitted an attendance log; however, the attendance is not showing to be claimed.
Please make sure to check if this student is a TK Extended. Students who turn five years old between December 3rd and March 2, 2022, are considered TK Extended students and will have no ADA until their 5th birthday.
Q: My parent does not know which attendance log to complete.
Once the parent accesses the Parent Portal, the report title will already be defaulted to “Student Learning Log”. Please make sure they choose the correct learning period from the drop-down menu.
Q: What is the name of the report title where the Attendance Logs get archived?
All Attendance Logs should be archived in the GridLogCheck report title.
Reviewing and Making Changes
Q: How can I see which students have missing, rejected, or accepted attendance logs?
⮚ In Pathways, navigate to your archived attendance. Make sure the correct date range and report title have been selected.
⮚ Missing uploads will be gray with an upload / phone symbol. Rejected will be red and say “Reject.” Accepted Logs will be green and say “Accept.”
⮚ If a log is yellow and says “Unapproved” it has not yet been reviewed by your Compliance Specialist.
⮚ If a log is green and marked “Skip” it is set to be ignored.
Q: How do I change the attendance I’ve already claimed?
Email the Authorization Request Number (4-digit code) from the bottom of the attendance claim page to your Compliance Specialist. They will send you a confirmation code you can use to make changes to claimed attendance. (Visual Instructions: Claiming Attendance)
Attendance and Withdrawals
Q: When I submit an exit survey, how much time do I have to turn in the student’s last attendance log?
Teachers should have submitted all necessary documents (Attendance Logs and Work Samples) and Grades (if a student was enrolled more than 10 days) before submitting the exit survey.
Q: I have a student who is non-compliant and I will be starting the Administrative Withdrawal process. How do I determine their last day of attendance?
Your IA and Director can assist you in deciding on the best course of action for the student. If the student is determined to be withdrawn, the end date can be decided by the last work sample turned in and the last signed attendance log.
Q: What if the parent cannot be contacted or is not willing to sign the last LP attendance log at the time of withdrawing?
Then the last day of attendance will be determined by the latest attendance log that the parent signed, as well as a current work sample or work record.
Q: Do I need to claim/archive attendance for every student?
Yes, Attendance needs to be claimed for every student unless the student is TK Extended (Students who turn five years old between December 3rd and February 28th).