The Community Team has pulled together a collection of resources for your use related to field trips and events.
- Help your students gain background knowledge before a trip or event.
- Extend the learning by diving deeper after a trip or event.
- Going on a similar trip or attending a similar event? Download and print these resources and the Field Trip Journal to enhance the educational experiences as you explore the world with your students!
Science Field Trip Resources
Language Arts Field Trip Resources
Social Studies Field Trip Resources
Community Field Trip Resources
Math Field Trip Resources
Everybody Belongs Field Trip Resources
Field Trip Journal
Make an event yearbook of your own! Download and Print the Field Trip Journal pages that work for you and your students
UPDATED 2024-25
How to Register for Field Trips and Events
- Each Field Trip will have a host. The host can be contacted directly by using the “Contact Event Organizer” button found at the bottom of each event listing. You can contact them with clarifying questions about events or cancellations.
- Most trips are organized by your Community Connect and Family Liaison teams. We also have trips led by Everybody Belongs, SELF, and other departments.
- Field Trips and Events are for enrolled Cottonwood students and their chaperones. Our field trips are designed to enhance student learning while ensuring responsible stewardship of public funds, therefore, students must be in attendance on a field trip. Chaperones, siblings, and family members are not eligible to attend without the student. Some events will also allow for siblings and additional chaperones to participate. Each event will have that specific information included. Ticket types will help you know who can register. Contact the event host with questions.
- Make sure you are paying attention to age ranges. Some trips will have an age limit but most do not.
- Chaperones are required for ALL field trips and events (except select TEEN events). Each event must include a REQUIRED CHAPERONE ticket, but there is a limit to the number of this ticket type that may be purchased.
- ONE Required Chaperone ticket can be selected for 1-4 enrolled Cottonwood students attending with each family.
- TWO Required Chaperone tickets can be selected for 5+ enrolled Cottonwood students attending with each family. Unenrolled siblings do not count toward this ratio.
- Some events will have an “Additional Adult Attendee” field. Please use this ticket type for ALL adults attending outside of Required Chaperone ratios. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your order.
- Chaperones must provide direct supervision without distractions at all times. Chaperones are not to leave the venue without their children for any amount of time.
- If someone other than the parent/guardian is providing supervision, parent/guardians must fill out the Chaperone Consent Form in advance. Your event host will be notified.
- You will see events offered to the entire school in The Wednesday Weekly, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday around 12:30 pm. Keep scrolling until you find the Event/Field Trip section! (Please let your HST know if you are not receiving The Wednesday Weekly.)
- All trips may also be viewed in The Parent Hawks’ Nest Event Calendar, Upcoming Events Spreadsheet, or Cottonwood’s Event Listing Page. These all include links that will allow you to access each event sign-up.
- Trips will be announced in the Wednesday Weekly and released on the second Thursday of each month at 12:30 pm. Set an alarm to remind yourself, as some trips can fill up fast.
- Join the waitlist if you can’t register for the trip (there will be an option on the event listing page). If there are not enough tickets for your entire party (student AND chaperone), DO NOT REGISTER. Instead, contact the event host, and they will open the waitlist for you. This helps us know what events are popular and should be planned again, as well as giving you a chance to fill the spot of a family that cancels.
- MOST field trips will only be offered during school hours (Monday – Friday, 9 – 4:00 pm). Every event will have clear event times, as well as check-in times.
Each event will have its own sign-up. Find these in the:
- Wednesday Weekly
- Upcoming Events Spreadsheet
- The Parent Hawks’ Nest Event Calendar
- Cottonwood’s Event Listing Page
- Department-specific communication for field trips hosted by CVHS, RISE, Boost, TK Explorers, etc.
- Select your desired trip, and READ ALL DETAILS ABOUT YOUR TRIP.
- Register for the event. An order form will prompt you to select ticket types needed (i.e. Cottonwood student, Required Chaperones, or additional guests) as well as ask for additional information. Some events will require chaperones to register on the order form and claim a ticket (chaperone attendance is still required).
- If any information is unclear or looks incorrect, please contact the event host directly using the “Contact Event Organizer” button at the bottom of the event page.
- Save your booking email with details about your trip in case you need to refer back to it for any information.
- Mark the event in your personal calendar right away!
- NO REFUNDS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER REGISTRATION and tickets are non-transferable.
- Field Trips and Events are an enriching experience that can greatly add to your homeschooling life. These are entertaining, educational, and social events, all of which are important to the development of your student.
- To get the most out of your experience, access and print the field trip journal pages. Print the pages you like the most and that are most relevant to your trip and student.
- Let us do the work for you! Show up and reap the rewards of a well-planned event.
- If you see an event that lines up with something you are studying, take full advantage of that opportunity to enrich your student’s experience.
- Consider your attendance carefully, as refunds are not available. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please notify the host as soon as you are able, even the same day as the event. No-shows with no contact prior to an event are noted and action may be taken for future event registrations.
- Cottonwood events with a cost can be paid for using your student’s instructional funds. Event tickets will indicate whether you’d like to pay with funds or out of pocket. Please select your preferred method.
– If you pay with a student’s instructional funds, the amount will be removed from the fund balance 2 school days following registration. Please note the amount in your own personal records. It will not show as an itemized charge in Procurify, but your fund amount will reflect it. - Make sure to budget accordingly! If you attempt to pay with instructional funds and have insufficient amounts to cover your order, your order will be canceled.
- Reminder e-mails will be sent out to all registrants after registration and before your event.
- A Vanco convenience fee will apply to all out-of-pocket ticket types.
- Consider working field trips into your educational plan for the year. Talk to your HST for ideas on how to make each experience educational as well as fun. You can even turn in LP samples based on field trip experiences!