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High School Counseling

Our High School Counseling Department helps students keep on track for graduation, sign up for concurrent enrollment classes, learn more about entrance tests, explore colleges, discover information about financial aid for higher education and much more! High school students are encouraged to meet with their counselor at least once during the school year

Vision Statement: The high school counseling department’s vision is to serve as mentors to enhance growth and development by preparing students to be leaders, innovators, and positive changemakers in their communities and beyond. We are a counseling department that empowers students to explore their potential, pursue their passions, and navigate their educational and career journey with confidence and purpose.

Mission Statement: The high school counseling department will promote lifelong learning, support academic and personal development, provide comprehensive college and career counseling that connects students to resources, experiences, and opportunities. We are committed to helping students develop the skills and knowledge needed for success in the 21st century.

High School Counselors

Jonas Heppner

Lead High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

Kiyoshi Mizutani

High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

Lindsey Romero

High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

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Cottonwood Counseling Dept. YouTube Channel

Cottonwood Counseling Dept.

The Cottonwood Counseling Podcast

The Cottonwood Counseling Podcast features your favorite High School Counselors, Jonas and Kiyoshi! The aim of the podcast is to provide helpful high school information for families and staff members in 10 minutes or less. We hope you take a listen and contact your counselor with any questions regarding the topic.

Episode 1: Critical Considerations of Early Graduation for 12th Graders

Feel free to provide us with questions, concerns, or feedback for future episodes of the podcast.

black graduation cap with tassel and rolled scroll

Grad Requirements

Learn the requirements to receive a high school diploma

red brick college building with flag on top

Concurrent Enrollment

For students interested in taking college courses in high school


College Readiness

Learn A-G and other useful college info


Entrance Exams

Find out about college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT

multi-colored text with words such as careers, future, idea, and plan in the shape of a lightbulb

Career Readiness

Find resources to explore careers and aptitudes

financial aid - image of tiny mortarboard on top of rolled $100 bills

Money for College

Learn about financial aid, scholarships, and other options

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I meet with my counselor, and how often?

Students should meet with their counselor once a year, starting in the 9th grade. The purpose of these meetings is to review classes you’ve taken or plan to take, for career planning, for college planning, to help with organization, to find out about scholarships, etc. It is easy to schedule an appointment with your counselor. Use the link in your counselor’s signature or our counselor page.

What is Concurrent Enrollment?

Concurrent enrollment is when a student enrolls in college classes while in high school. Students at TCS who choose to take college classes are required to take a minimum of four high school classes in addition to whatever college classes they are enrolled in; you cannot take college classes in lieu of high school classes. For more information, watch the video on concurrent enrollment.

How can I get my transcript?

If you need your unofficial transcript, you can sign on to your Pathway account. Go to Reports–>Transcripts–>Print Unofficial Transcript
If you need your official transcript, please fill out this form. Please note that if you are requesting a transcript at the end of the semester, it may take up to two weeks before the semester grades are posted.

What are A-G requirements?

A-G refers to the required classes that students must take to apply for college admission into the UC or CSU system. A-G classes are California’s way of saying college prep.

What if a student gets a grade of D in an A-G required course?

If a student gets anything less than a C-, the student will be required to repeat the course. The exception will be for a world language or higher-level math. The grades from the next level class will validate the D grade for a world language or a math course. (Example: Algebra 1B=D grade, Geometry A=B grade The B in Geometry A will validate the D in Algebra 1B.) The student will not have to repeat Algebra IB since the student got a higher grade in the next level math class. HOWEVER, the lower grade still stands and calculates in the GPA. Students are always encouraged to repeat the course so the grade no longer calculates in the GPA.

What if a student isn't doing well in their current curriculum?

If a student is struggling with a curriculum, they should immediately let their HST know. The HST can assist with other curriculum options. Carey Brown is our High School Success Coordinator (HSSC). She is another excellent resource for curriculum options. You can email her at

Questions about this content? Jonas Heppner is the Hawks’ Nest Point Person for this section.